Angel The Shanshus - Categories

ArabellaElfie posted on Jun 30, 2009 at 02:10AM
Hello Everybody!

As I hope you know, link just took place and Angel is now in extra broody mode because not only did Bangel lose for the night but his hair came in last (Spike will continue to hold this over his 'bloody, poncy head' until the end of time) so..... we have decided to give this Champion something of his own. The Angel Version of the Scoobies - now offically known as THE SHANSHUS!

While we are still in very, very early stages (Angel is walking out of the pub in this stage of his life/unlife if you follow me here) of this but since some of us (me) need to do a rewatch, why not start gathering categories now? Cinder and Coop threw a few up so let's get it all forumy.

Below, please list off any categories you would like to see take place. No category is too silly or outlandish and no moment too precious to mock.

Fangs ready? One....Two...Three! Bite!

****This forum is now offical for the category ideas as of 8/7/2009**** Below you will find Categories adapted from the Scoobies as well as those mentioned here. Everything listed below to avoid confusion.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE SHANSHUS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


In the Hyperion
For Those Things Within the Show

* Most Embarrassing Moment

* Best Outfit - Male

* Best Outfit - Female

* Worst Outfit - Male

* Worst Outfit - Female

* Best Dance
Example: Wesley, Cordy's My Name is Gunn dance, Angel

* Best Musical Montage

* Favorite Caritas performance

* Favorite Lorne Song

* Favorite Dream Sequence

* Best Costume
Example: Wes as Angel, Lornette, HotelGirl Cordy, Tourist Angel

* Grossest Demon

* Best Breakup
Example: Cordy and Groo, Lilah and Wes, Gunn and Fred

* Best Turn to the Dark Side (or Light side)
Example: Angel/Angelus, Bad Faith/Good Faith, Cordelia, Wesley (this is iffy), Darla (once again, iffy), Skip, Connor (iffy at best), Lindsay (depends on the day of the week)

* Best Batcave Your favorite home base for the gang

* The Cockroach Award Aka, "How are you still alive?"

* Best Character enterance
Examples: Spike in the amulet, Gunn from the boots up, Wesley as a Rogue Demon Hunter (still don't know what a rogue demon is...)

* Best Character Exit either death or leaving for a period of time (not out on a blood run, but real time) before returning, such as Lindsay, Darla, etc

* Best Moment - Angel

* Best Moment - Cordelia

* Best Moment - Doyle

* Best Moment - Wesley

* Best Moment - Fred

* Best Moment - Gunn

* Best Moment - Illyria

* Best Moment - Lorne

* Best Moment - Spike

* Best Moment - Lindsay

* Best Moment - Lilah

* Best Broody Moment

* Best Romantic Scene - Angel and Cordelia

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Angel and Cordelia

* Best Romantic Scene - Cordelia and Groo

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Cordelia and Groo

* Best Romantic Scene - Fred and Gunn

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Fred and Gunn

* Best Romantic Scene - Fred and Wesley

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Fred and Wesley

* Best Romantic Scene - Wesley and Lilah

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Wesley and Lilah

* Best Romantic Scene - Angel and Darla

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Angel and Darla

* Best Scene - Horror

* Best Scene - Comedy

* Best Scene - Drama

* Best Scene - Romance

* Best Romantic Scene - Other

* Best Quote/Speech - Funny

* Best Quote/Speech - Romantic

* Best Quote/Speech - Heartbreaking

* Best Cordyism
Example: pilot: (to Angel) "So, are you still...grrr?"

* Episode that Made you Laugh the Most

* Episode that Made you Cry the Most

* Best Laugh-out-loud Moment

* Best Season - Romance

* Best Season - Comedy

* Best Season - Dramatic

* Best Season - Overall

* Best Season Premiere

* Best Season Finale

* Best Episode - Season One

* Best Episode - Season Two

* Best Episode - Season Three

* Best Episode - Season Four

* Best Episode - Season Five

* Best Character Driven Episode An episode focusing on one particular character and not necessarly on the overall story arch
Examples: Doyle: Hero *his past*, Cordelia: Birthday, Darla: Darla, Lorne: Through the Looking Glass or Life of the party...ect

* Favorite Angelus Episode

* Best Flashback Scene In regards to the Fanged Four

* Best Sex Scene - Romantic

* Best Sex Scene - Hot

* Best "One Episode Only" Character

* Best Hair - Female

* Best Hair - Male

* Worst Hair - Female

* Worst Hair - Male

* Best Vampire Face

* Favorite Spell

* Favorite Nickname

* Favorite Character Trait/accessory

* Wolfram & Hart, Attorneys at Law Employee of The Month

Example: Jonathan, Larry, Harmony, etc.

* Favorite Angel Original Character A Character who did not originate on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

* Favorite buffy alumn Favorite Character who was originally introduced to us on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

* Best Bitch

* Saddest Death

* Best Holla Back Best reference to a previous episode

* Origins Best reference to or crossover scene with Buffy the Vampire Slayer

* Best Fight Scene

* Favorite Weapon

* Best Big Bad
Example: Wolfram and Hart, The Beast, Jasmine, Holtz, etc

* The Zombie Award The Character shouldn't have died and is thusly being brought back

* The AWOL Award The character who should have never left the show, and is therefore "absent without leave

* The "And Whatever Happened To..." Award The character who you thought was going to be important and then inexplicably disappeared

* Big Damn Hero Award The character, besides Angel, whom you feel displays the biggest heroics

* What the hell just happened? Most shocking moment[/url]

* Biggest Character Development

* Don't you have an elsewhere to be? [i] The Character you wish wasn't around

* Huh? Best Plothole
Examples: Examples would include the lack of Anne's tattoo (From Buffy Anne B3:1) in Blood Money
Angel being able to enter the apartment in Five by Five when the owener was in the hospital

Room 217
For Those Things Involved in the Production

"And you are?" Best exta who made it big following Angel (Josh, TJ etc) got a new one! Jeffrey Dean Morgan (John Winchester) from Provider

Best Actor - Season One

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season One

Best Actress - Season One

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season One

Best Actor - Season Two

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season Two

Best Actress - Season Two

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season Two

Best Actor - Season Three

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season Three

Best Actress - Season Three

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season Three

Best Actor - Season Four

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season Four

Best Actress - Season Four

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season Four

Best Actor - Season Five

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season Five

Best Actress - Season Five

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season Five

Note: We need to suss something out for main actress, mainly for season one

Best Actor - Series

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Series

Best Actress - Series

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Series

Best Written Episode - Joss

Best Written Episode - Other

Best Staff Writer

We are pleased to announce
The Honorary Minister of Grace Be Awarded to...

Any ideas on the Minister of Grace? I'm leaning towards dedicating it to two special actors.

- Actress category for season one. Are we following the Scoobies rule of opening credits for main? If so, is it an auto-Cordy? Or are we making it 'Actress overall for season one' sort of thing and including all actresses? Season two has the same issue, only in season three do we have two credited main actresses.

- Angel: After the Fall Alice has suggested categories for the comics but we left them out of the Scoobies. Thoughts?

last edited on Aug 18, 2009 at 03:51AM

Angel 26 replies

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over a year ago ladolcevita said…
Best Season Premiere
Best Season Finale
Best Episode (Season One)
Best Episode (Season Two)
Best Episode (Season Three)
Best Episode (Season Four)
Best Episode (Season Five)
Best Issue (After The Fall)
Best Issue (Aftermath)
Best Episode
Most Shocking Event (Cordy Dieing, etc.)
Least Favourite Main Character (*cough*angel*cough*)
Favourite Main Character
Favourite Demon
Least Favourite Demon
Favourite Appearance From Someone in Sunnydale
Best Male Costume
Worst Male Costume
Best Female Costume
Worst Female Costume
Broodiest Angel Moment
Least Broody Angel Moment
Favourite *Insert Character Name Here* Moment
Least Favourite *Insert Character Name Here* Moment
Favourite Season
Least Favourite Season
Favourite Crossover
(Cinders' Idea) Wolfram and Hart, Attorneys at Law Employee of The Month

That's all for now. I'll be back later!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
We could do the same thing like in the Scoobies...

Best Romantic Moment Fred and Wesley
Best Non-Romantic Moment Fred and Wesley

Best Romantic Moment Fred and Gunn
Best Non-Romantic Moment Fred and Gunn

and so on...
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
Maybe we could use the Scoobies ballot as a template? Go through each category and "Angelize" them, then add new categories?
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Cat, Coop, you have read my mind! I was going to try to do it this week and just pull out the Buffy specific stuff.

"Angelize" - Katie's new word ;F
over a year ago ladolcevita said…
over a year ago nightchild7 said…
Best Performer at Caritas (Don't know if you'd include Lorne since he owns the place, but still)
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
"Best Batcave" - Best home Base for the gang

"And you are?" Best exta who made it big following Angel (Josh, TJ etc) got a new one! Jeffrey Dean Morgan (John Winchester) from Provider

Best Gaget
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ladolcevita said…
I like the idea of "And you are?"
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
I just watched ArabellaElfie's latest video *coughrantcough* on the Buffy Spot and it gave me an idea. In it, she mentions that we might want to put the Angel event on hold until October in order to have more time to plan it as well as not stepping on the Buffy Fanfic contest that's coming. I think that's a great idea. In fact, I think we should plan it for on or near October 5th.

Why October 5th, you ask? What's special about that date? Well, I looked at my DVD set and it just so happens that October 5th is the tenth anniversary of the premiere of Angel!

What do you guys think?
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
I said it was a rant and a ramble, full disclaimer!

I think it's brilliant Coop!
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
Best Cordy-ism. This would be separate from any Best Line/Quote categories to recognize Cordy's rather unique way of expressing herself. Like this one from the pilot: (to Angel) "So, are you still...grrr?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Well, I'm only about halfway through season two but how about best 'huh...?' moment?

Examples would include the lack of Anne's tattoo (From Buffy Anne B3:1) in Blood Money

Angel being able to enter the apartment in Five by Five when the owener was in the hospital
over a year ago Cinders said…
Lest we forget the "Minister of Grace" honorary award (and who it's inevitably going to go to!) ;) ;)

Oh, EDIT: "Angel being able to enter the apartment in Five by Five when the owener was in the hospital"

I thought they explained that in the episode, or am I thinking of another episode? Where he was leaning on the door-barrier-force field-thing and then fell in because the guy died... If that wasn't Five by Five what episode was that?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Galbraith said…
Ok random suggestions - what about "Best flashback" category? For the scenes set in the past, seeing how there's so many in Angel
And maybe "Best exit"? For characters that have died or just left (even if they came back at a later date)
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
That's a different one Cinders... it's driving me bloody mad. It's a mistake. I'm positive.

Love it Galbraith! How about best reveal of a character (Wesley's intro, Wes in Guise will be Guise, Gunn shot)
over a year ago jamboni said…
What about 'Best Weapon' an example could be Angel's... stakes that popped out of his coat which lead to him staking two vampires at the same time, I cannot think of what it's called. It was the beginning of the very first episode. I know there are loads more weapons, but I'm tired. Sorry, I tend to over-describe, in a confusing way.
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Love it!
over a year ago MelBelle2 said…
Okay here's a few.

Best entrance of main characters (doyle, cordy, wesley, gunn... ect.)
Best entrance of side characters (Buffy, Faith, Denis, Virgina...ect.)

Most memorable quote:
*We'd probably have to have a forum asking what quote is most memorable to people and then have them selected in the questionnaire*

Best character episode:
examples: Doyle: Hero *his past*, Cordelia: Birthday, Darla: Darla, Lorne: Through the Looking Glass or Life of the party...ect

*this ones for Angel* Best "insult" speech.
Example: episode "I've got you under my skin"
Cordelia: I know that you have this unflappable vibe working for you, but...
Angel: Angel: “I’m not unflappable.”
episode "Fredless"
Cordelia: Fred can barely tie her shoes without Mr. Oh-You're-My-Big-Fat-Hero! around.
Angel: You think I'm fat?
*there's allot more, those are the only two I can really think of at the moment*

um... okay that's all I've got so far. I'll probably think of more later on.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MelBelle2 said…
Okay just thought up another.
Best Angelus episode: "Eternity" "Soulless" "Calvary" "Salvage" "release" "orpheus"
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
All great ideas Melbelle!

I'm thinking, unless somebody objects, we should caryy over the basic ones from the Scoobies.
over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
best back from the dead, i mean darla spike cordy etc or however that could be worded!
pylean highlight! (id say the dance of joy!!)
favorite angel investigations location (the office, cordys flat, the hyperion, w&h)
favorite buffy alumn? (angel, spike, cordy, wesley)
favorite original angel character? (fred, gunn, doyle, lorne)
best bitch (lilah cordy eve)
best time an angel investigation persona goes to the dark side (angel, cordy, wesley)

there just a couple of ideas!!

over a year ago MelBelle2 said…
Oooo I really like those ones. :D
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I wish we could be nominating now... I have the best option for best female outfit and I'm afraid I'll forget!
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Cat, I'm going to open a forum for it right now.
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Look at the updating!
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
All edited in! If I missed something let me know.