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Game of Thrones: 14 most shocking moments from season 6

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The Mountain crushing Oberyn\'s skull. The Red Wedding. Hodor\'s penis. These
moments stay with you forever, and season 6 hasn\'t let up with the shocks and gasps.
Before we\'re treated to Sunday\'s grand finale, let\'s look back at the most WTF moments from this year that made us spit out our tea, ranked in order of HOLY S**Tness:
OK, so we didn\'t really care one way or the other about Balon, but it was still surprising to see his brother Euron finally show up and then instantly push him off a high bridge to his death without so much as a handshake first. 
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We always knew Dany had an affinity with fire – what with her dragons and that – but we didn\'t quite know just how magical her powers were. She can just waltz through the same flames that just burned down an entire temple, killing many Khals in the process. Yeah, we wouldn\'t mess with her either, boys.
Sandor Clegane\'s return itself was pretty shocking considering we thought he bit the dust long ago. But we were just as pissed as Sandor was when some rogue Brotherhood members killed the awesome Ian McShane. The Hound\'s ruthless killing spree was still shocking (and COOL) to see, even after six season of utter bloodshed on this show.
Yay, Osha\'s ba... oh wait. Osha became one of our favourite wildlings in the series, but she met with a rather unceremonious end after Ramsay decided to add her to his growing kill count by stabbing her in the neck. We should have seen it coming, but still.
Yes, his family and village were massacred and he had a pretty sucky life. He killed Ygritte, but we let that one pass. For him to betray Jon so horrendously put him on top of many fans\' shitlist. Even so, it was pretty shocking to see a young boy being hanged while we ate our dinner.
writers were really cleaning house at the start of the season – but we certainly didn\'t expect Roose Bolton to die so suddenly. Though, with Ramsay at his side so often, we\'re amazed he didn\'t do it sooner.
Although we didn\'t exactly rate Rickon\'s chances of surviving the season alive, the way he went down was downright heartbreaking. Without even getting a single line of dialogue since his return, he was felled by Ramsay with an arrow within a whisker of safety. Though, WHY DIDN\'T HE JUST ZIGZAG A BIT?
In the end, this scene didn\'t amount to much as Arya somehow managed to overcome her clearly devastating injuries thanks to a bandage and some soup. But at the time, we really did wonder whether they had decided to suddenly kill off Arya after she was knifed several times by that bloody Waif. Thankfully we were wrong.
The first shock of the season didn\'t contain any blood and guts, but just some dodgy makeup and some droopy breasts. Struggling with her faith, the beautiful Red Woman removed her necklace to reveal her true appearance – a frail old woman who is centuries old. Better not tell Gendry.
Ramsay has turned us into a bloodthirsty bunch, damn him. We were genuinely pleased to see him meet his maker by being mauled to death by his own hungry pooches after Sansa let them loose. But it was still pretty gruesome seeing his face being bitten to pieces. Serves him right.
There were so many moments in the epic battle of episode 9 that were so thrilling and terrifying at once, but the worst had to be when Ramsay\'s men had packed Jon and his few surviving members into a small circle. Jon was being trampled to death, the wall of bodies kept growing, Tormund had to bite Smalljon\'s ear off to survive, it was all pretty damn shocking to see.
The Bolton bastard has done many awful things in his time, but this could top the lot. After murdering his own father, he realised the only way to stake a claim as King of the North was to also get rid of his baby brother. Could he have at least poisoned them? Nah, feed them to his dogs, that\'ll be clean. At least he got a taste of his own medicine eventually.
We didn\'t want to believe that Jon was actually dead. But after nearly two whole episodes had passed without his revival, we started to come to terms with it. Then...
This has haunted us ever since it aired. Hodor\'s origin story was finally revealed when Bran\'s warging adventures in the present had actually caused young Wylis to suffer a seizure, shouting "Hold the Door" until it became mangled into "Hodor". That was heartbreaking enough, but to then see him getting mauled to death by White Walkers was just the worst. He
have survived, though. Right? Bloody Bran.
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